Saturday, March 22, 2008


The family stood in line at the mall for what felt like fourteen hours - but was probably two hours - to get a picture with the EASTER BUNNY! Matthew made a friend in line and the two of them ran in circles, hid behind plants, and made non-violent "no need to call the authorities" type of mischief. Mallory loved the Easter Bunny and kept pointing at him and blowing kisses to him while we were waiting in line. She couldn't stop hugging him when she sat on his lap. Kyle was intrigued, but unimpressed. I am not so sure the Easter Bunny appreciated Kyle's general disregard for his celebrity status. "E-Bun," as the Easter Bunny is known by his friends in the Bloods, went "old school" on Kyle and dropped him twice on the floor. Once Daddy caught Kyle, the second time Kyle was not so lucky and went "boom." Kyle's a tough kid and didn't mind so much that he got trapped in between the Perpetrating Hare and Matthew's seat, but Mommy exchanged a few unpleasant words with the Rascally Rabbit. All I know is that if Kim sees E-Bun going hippity-hoppity down the bunny trail in his low-riding, tinted windowed Volkswagon Rabbit, she better duck and cover because it could be a drive by.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Box of Babies

Just Another Day


Although Mommy has her days where the children torture her with demands, yelling, whining, clinging, hitting, kicking, crying and every other method known to their kind ,,, it's not alway driving mom up a wall. In a rare, but beautiful moment, Mommy is enjoying the torture. Ahhhh .... the Merriment of Madness!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chuckie Cheese for Three

The Kids had a day at Chuckie Cheese. All three kids enjoyed the Carousel. This is the best video I could take with my cell phone holding on to Kyle.

No Nap for Mommy !

Mommy was bumming around the house in the morning and tried to steal a few extra winks before getting ready for the day. The kids had other plans. As you can see - Mally has the mastermind evil laugh, Kyle is acting like he's not involved and Matthew is ... uh ... pleading insanity. We hope Mommy learned a lesson. No sleepy sleepy with three kids!

Daddy's World

Daddy and Matthew recently went to a Trenton Devils minor league hockey game. Matthew was dead tired but determined to polish off as much cotton candy as possible. In his haste he forgot to open his mouth and the cotton candy stuck to his face. His eyes say bed time, but his face says more cotton candy. Next time we'll have to go to a day game!







Chris, Matthew, Kyle, Mallory and Niece Britanie

Chris, Matthew, Kyle, Mallory and Niece Britanie
Daddy having fun with the family

March of Dimes Walk 2007

March of Dimes Walk 2007
Spiderman, Matthew and Chris

About Me

We are Christopher, Kimberly, Matthew, Mallory, Kyle and our dog Chandler Bing.